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R:ILPERSONA Episode 5.0: "This Is None Of Your Business." is out!

Hey guys! Summer is over here in the USA and now we're headed into the fall and that means an all new episode of The R:ILPERSONA Series kicks off! This is the beginning of our series' 5th chapter, titled "Isn't This A Lot Better", written by me (Starlight City Project) with artwork by my co conspirators JM Valenzuela (line art) and Ludwig Valenzuela (tonal art, lettering). This also marks the 4th part of The High Places & Principalities Saga, and we're no where near finished. 

You can look forward to: more fun(?) with Rade and Strykes as they've just gotten their next mission, we'll be revealing more about The Supreme Commander who you met in the tail end of the last episode, and we'll be introducing some new of whom you've already met. Kind of. I hope you enjoy, and the complete full print and downloadable version of R:ILPERSONA Episode 5 will be available in early November!

Thanks for reading, let us know what you think in our disqus or facebook comments section!

-Starlight City Pro

  • September 07, 2016
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