Hey everyone! The next episode of R:ILPERSONA is now out! Check it out here.
Also, 17 days are left until we'll be at New Jersey Comic Expo, in Edison, NJ! If you'll be in attendance make sure to stop by, we'll have tradepaperback copies of R:ILPERSONA Volume 1, as well as the single issues of Episodes #1-5 available, along with art prints! Also, free candy and bookmarks! See you there in Artist Alley, table N-1.
Oh yeah, speaking of single issues, also on sale today is R:ILPERSONA One Shot #5, collecting the current chapter that has been running weekly over the past several weeks. If you want to see what happens next ahead of time, or just want to help support our series (all funds go towards making future content), head over to our downloads/tradepaperbacks section and get your copy today in either digital or print. The digital version is just $1.75!
It's also available on Amazon for Kindle
We've hit the home stretch for this current part of the storyline, we've got 3 more weekly installments left before we start the 4th chapter in The High Places & Principalities Saga, with Episode 6: "Destructive Impurity" starting on November 30th and running for the next -several- months. Should be fun. Until next week...
-Starlight City Pro
- November 02, 2016