Hey guys/gals its Wednesday and the latest update is now online, including a full color page. This marks the end of the 1st storyline of R:ILPERSONA, "The Identity Negotiation" Arc. You'll be able to buy the tradepaperback edition or download the kindle/e-reader version on January 20th, right here on IL.PERSONA.COM as well as other locations across the internet including Amazon, IBooks, Barnes & Noble, Comixology, etc. Of course, if you buy the book directly from us here there will be a discount :-)
Okay, now that we've reached the end of the first storyline, here is the schedule over the next few weeks:
- December 12th 2015: The first part of an Epilogue to the 1st story arc, "The (Sol) Survivor" will be published in full color.
- January 6th 2016: The 2nd and final part of "The (Sol) Survivor" epilogue will be published in full color.
- January 13: Side Story Saga 0: "On The Origin of Our World" will be published in full color. It is a 6 page story that gives you a glimpse into the world of R:ILPERSONA that hasn't been seen yet (well, since most of the 1st story arc took place inside of a corpse filled medical facility XD). Also on January 13th, a bonus Omake and the 2nd Secret File with character ratings will be published as well.
- January 20th: Volume 1 goes on sale, and the 2nd story arc "The High Places and Principalities Saga" will begin. This storyline will be running through all of 2016, as it is 6 chapters long. We'll be collecting and selling each individual chapter as stand alone issues for purchase/download as well during the year for anyone that is interested as well.
It's been fun to publish R:ILPERSONA each week and the feedback has been wonderful, as have been the reviews. I hope you'll all continue to check back each week, we'll be publishing installments non stop and we're producing material at the same time, so don't expect any hiatuses. Have a Happy Holiday, and look forward to some fun times ahead as the story of Rade: The Assassin heads into its 2nd act!

-Starlight City Pro
- December 23, 2015